Steve Killick

Steve Killick

GB  69 years old
I am a writer and traveller who first visited Venice as a seven year old and was not impressed apart from my dad buying me some delicious crystallised grapes on a stick from a street vendor. It took another trip, with my late father in law in 1983 to really appreciate it. Since then my wife and I have been back pretty much every year and every now and then I head off for a few days on my own. Each time I find out a little bit more and see something that I want to share with my readers. This is what this travel map is all about, to get you away from the crowds and learn to love Venice every bit as much as I have done over the last 34 years.

A Venetian tour for kids

March 2017

Not all youngsters are impressed with Venice. Waiting in queues to access the Basilica and endless renaissance masterpieces does not grab every young person's attention. So follow my tips, built up from over 35 years of visiting this great city, and find sights to amuse, entertain and inform. With some decent places to stop along the way too!